Gratitude, Life, Misc.

“Busy seasons” + good stuff list

As I suspected and forecasted, this is a BUSY season for us right now.

Side note- It annoys me that I just said that. Because I kind of feel like I, or the collective “we”, have all taken to calling every season “busy”. Have you noticed that?

  • This current season (April-May) is the busy spring season with lots of sports and end of school events (aka May-hem Season).
  • Summer will be the busy season of vacations and outings and summer holidays and yard work and kids are often off to camps OR kids are home and need to be driven places and schedules are all awry and things are chaotic.
  • Early fall will be the busy “back to school” season…school supplies and open house nights and parent meetings and fall sports and stricter new routines when everyone goes to bed on time for a while. lol.
  • Then we’ll move into the later fall busy “pre-holiday + holiday seasons”, starting with October/Halloween and other “fall fun” events (lots of soccer games, leaf raking, leaf peeping, more yard work) and then morphing into Thanksgiving groceries and cooking and holiday shopping and cards and decorating and school finals and Christmas band concerts and winter sports mixed in and ALL the things.
  • I suppose maybe there’s a little lull in January/February, sort of, but I feel like during that phase many of us end up diving into other things we can’t do during all the other busy seasons, like home decluttering projects or new fitness goals or spring break trip planning….

And then we’re back around to April and May again. 🙃

So, I think I need to stop saying “when things slow down” or “this is just a busy season”. Because I don’t actually think anything is going to ever slow down, at least until the kids are out of the house, or we somehow make a drastic lifestyle change (unlikely at this point).

EVERY season is busy, just in a different way.

And I am not sure I’m actually complaining, per se (although I feel like I have kind of been complaining a little lately, sorry…); everything in those lists above is GOOD. Also, all those things combined = MY LIFE. If I took all of that away, well, I guess what would I be doing all the time? lol!

That said, it’s still a lot! So it doesn’t always feel easy or peachy keen 100% of the time, even if in reality I wouldn’t actually want to trade any of it away. 🙂

Good Stuff

🔷 Asher started his first job this weekend!!

Technically he worked last summer (a temporary job at a seed farm for 4-5 weeks), but I guess I consider this one his first “real” job, as it will be ongoing.

He worked 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. on Sunday at our local Arby’s. 🙂

An apron!!! 😍 So. Cute.

My mom and I went through the drive-thru (where he was working the window) and ordered some curly fries. 😉

He seemed to love it! The manager seems really nice and super accommodating with his busy sports schedule, etc. Basically told him to just write on the calendar any days he needs off, and he’s guaranteed to have them off. Apparently the manager also told him he did really great for his first day and that he picked everything up super quickly.

Asher’s schedule is extra full this spring with 3 sports going on, so the timing here isn’t “great”; he has rather limited availability right now. But summer will be here in a flash, and he should be able to work a bunch then. Which is FANTASTIC, because he’s pretty past the whole “go to day camps” age.

And obviously just sitting around at home every day is not a great option, either. I mean he’ll have swim practice and will go to gym and has chores at home and will see friends etc too. Not like he’ll work constantly. But this will build in some frequent productive activity- that bonus: he gets paid for!

He’s all set up with his own checking account now for direct deposit, and both boys actually have extensions of our American Express credit card now, too, in addition to their debit cards. Can’t believe they’re both old enough to be earning paychecks and building credit history already!!!

Ethan has been putting a monthly amount into an investment account already, too, so we’ll have to see about getting that set up for Asher as well now that he’ll have income. 🙂

This Arby’s seems really nice, too. He said the other workers are friendly and helpful and it’s a pretty new building with a nice clean lobby, and it’s not nearly as busy as McDonald’s (right next door!) where Ethan works. 😅 (It’s actually comical how close the two restaurants are to each other- Asher could practically lean out the drive thru window and wave to Ethan, if the window were on the other side. lol! They were both working at the same time on Sunday.)

🔷 Speaking of Ethan and work….

He’s still sticking with McDonald’s for now, though he’s getting a little “over it” I think. McDonald’s is BUSY. He’s really hustling most of the time when he’s there.

I think he’d like to maybe look for something else eventually, but job options are pretty limited until you’re 16. (He turns 16 in July.) On the plus side, he started at McDonald’s right after he turned 14. So by the time he turns 16, he will have almost two full years of solid work history on his resume already. I feel like that has to look really great to prospective employers?

He said he will wait and see- once he’s 16, he can also work extended hours (past 7 pm) and can do more, like work the grill, wash dishes, etc. (not allowed at 14-15; he is currently limited to working the front counter and drive-thru.). He said he’ll for sure get a raise once he’s 16, so he wants to wait and see how much he gets and then will decide if he wants to stay put or go somewhere else.

Oh- and something cool: I sat in McDonald’s for an hour on Saturday morning and had tea, waiting for Asher at swim practice nearby. Ethan was taking a guy’s order at the counter, and I suddenly heard Ethan switch into Spanish! The man apparently didn’t speak much English and was really struggling, so Ethan was able to take his order in Spanish. How cool!! He told me that actually happened twice on Saturday!

Great reinforcement for him to see that learning another language can be very useful. 😉

🔷 Asher’s 8th grade graduation is coming up so soon!

Actually, Ethan will be done with school even sooner- he informed me yesterday he has 4 Mondays left until school is out. Asher will be done the following week.

Lots of graduation stuff/fun events on the horizon; can’t believe our family will be done at that school now!

I had to turn in a baby picture of Asher for a before/now poster they do for each 8th grader.

These were some of the finalist options:

The one we submitted
Another one Asher kinda liked
One I liked, but Asher didn’t…he said he looked too “chunky” in this one. lol. But look at his eyelashes!!

🔷 Signs of spring….

I was at a soccer game on Sunday morning with Ethan and I froze my tushy off… this was the weather:

I was cursing Wisconsin and started seriously pondering if perhaps we should consider moving somewhere warmer once the kids graduate from high school. I mean. COME ON. I was wearing a winter hat and gloves. In the end of April. And I was still cold.

Blue sky at least… but the sun didn’t help much.

On the plus side, the trees are finally budding out and it’s been a bit warmer now the rest of the week:

Took this morning

And the baby geese have arrived! Here is Charlie “on alert” last night staring at the geese, on a surprisingly mild evening walk with some also surprisingly pleasant little rain drops. Smelled like summer, at least. I liked it.

🔷 I just like this picture, and I liked this moment:

It was sprinkling rain outside (after my evening walk, above) and I had the window open. I was laying on the sunroom couch reading for a bit while Ethan was studying for a quiz at the desk. It was a nice, cozy moment and I glanced over and he just looks so grown up!!

🔷 A laugh:

🔷 An EMPTY gym on Sunday evening:

This is like the BEST THING EVER to me. I loooove an empty gym.

It was much busier this morning when Ethan and I went, but Sunday p.m. is where it’s at!!

Daily Gratitude:

I am so grateful for my blog friends…I feel like I’ve found “my people!” Texting and chatting with them has been a serious joy in my life. ♥

13 thoughts on ““Busy seasons” + good stuff list”

  1. It’s such a cliche, but it’s true. The days are long and the years are so short. Yes life is busy but it’s mostly a good busy.

    I am so impressed that the boys are working already! (And a little jealous that the boys in my house have been slow to take to the adult things like driving and work). I worked for McD when I was a young ‘un so I’m biased but I can’t pass up Arby’s curly fries.


  2. I did not even think of this before when you talked about Ethan working, but you guys can work when you are 14? Actually I just Googled it, and CA is 14 too. I always thought it was 16! Also, they are even allowed to work 40 hours a week when school is not in session! Fascinating. My parents owned a business and so I had to work there since I was little (maybe 8; I can’t remember), then around the time I was 13 or 14, they instituted a child labor law that even if it is a family business you cannot work until you are 12. I missed that boat! I think it is great that they are both working, and have debit and credit cards (and an investment account. Swoon!!!) I think that it is important to have your own money, make your own money and learn to manage it all (plus compounding interest! Get on that early 🙂 !!)


  3. I grew up in Wisconsin and can remember times when it snowed heavily in April, and then warmed up really fast. I love Wisconsin but I think I enjoy the more moderate weather here in Washington.


  4. so cool that Ethan got to use his Spanish! all the work paid off! I would totally sit in where Sofia “works” one day to sneak peak her work ethic! I don’t know when she will ever start working, I started when I was 13 or 14 in argentina and I think it was a great experience. oh… actually when I was 10 in family cafe too, as waitress.

    Life is busy with kids in life and work, and hobby, and family obligations, but as you say it’s good. Most of things are there because we want to include them. Imagine a single woman in her 40s with no family friends, only work, that’d pretty miserable.


  5. That is just amazing that Ethan got to use his Spanish and would! So many kids, I think, would just not help someone else out and I love this.

    Yes he looks SO old in that studying picture.

    I love that Charlie is in the front seat when you went through the drive-thru. And wow – 14. I don’t think my kids can start working that young here…but I should look into it. A LOVES to have spending money and her monthly allowance is not quite enough for her wants 😉

    Each season is busy, though the flavour of busy changes. Your kids are also very busy which makes you busy! Jobs! Sports. But this is all great stuff and what an amazing foundation you’re giving them.

    I love texting with you ❤

    That taco joke really made me laugh (and I showed it to John).


  6. Ha – “you’re old and you want tacos.” Literally what my body says every day.

    It IS a busy season, and it ALWAYS feels like a busy season! I just want to slow down! I think the pandemic years really slowed everything down, and I LOVED IT, but now that things are back in full swing, I cannot get back into the rhythm.

    The end of the school year / beginning of spring sports does have its own extra sense of hectic chaos, though. So perhaps it IS slightly busier than the other busy seasons?

    Congrats to Asher on his job! Sounds like it’s off to a great start.


  7. So many wonderful things in this post. I really liked how you described each season- they all are busy, with maybe Jan/Feb kind of having a little lull. Honestly, I think my life is not busy I think It’s ME who is busy.

    Toddler pictures, so cute. Young man pictures…So handsome. Ah, this life and the passing of time..


  8. You are giving your boys the gift of learning how to manage a busy schedule early in life. I was very busy in high school with extracurriculars and a job (I taught piano) and it really taught me how to keep on top of things. So chances are they will have extra good executive functioning skills. In case you didn’t know this, you can open a ROTH IRA for the minors so if you haven’t done that and they have a desire to put money into a tax deferred investment account, that is something they can do. When they turn 18 it will transition to a regular non-minor ROTH and you can’t/won’t be on the account anymore. Phil actually set one up for Paul because we figure some of his “earned” allowance as he gets older can go into the ROTH IRA. This was something Phil researched and decided to do. Seems like he won’t have much to put into that account for quite awhile (and we have not given him an allowance yet because, well, he’s 6). But it’s probably something useful for Ethan/Asher since they have actual W2 income!

    I agree that life is just generally always busy with something. Our kids are so much younger so we aren’t super busy with activities but it’s picking up a bit as Paul is starting a 4-week golf program this weekend and then starts T-ball twice/week in May, plus has swimming lessons on Sunday. One nice thing about Taco’s daycare is that they have some extracurricular stuff during the day, like there is a weekly “tennis” class (I put tennis in quotations because we don’t even see a tennis ball in the pics they take in class… and they don’t like give the kids rackets – which makes sense because the thought of Taco with a racket is a bit terrifying…), he has a bi-weekly music class, and today he starts a once/week soccer class. The first 2 are included in tuition, we pay $79 for 2 months of soccer classes (I think). I don’t really want to be driving a 3yo around to activities right now so this is perfect for us. He will start swimming lessons in the fall and I’ll align his and Paul’s classes so they are at the same time.


  9. This is amazing, but now I have an inferiority complex on behalf of my kids. I mean! Your kids are working, investing money, speaking Spanish… well, okay my son is working hard in college. But my daughter seems to think she’s going to sit on her butt all summer… we’re going to have to rethink this.

    I know what you mean about busy seasons, but some periods just seem even busier than normal- May is one of them. There are just so many end-of-year activities, on top of everything else. And you have a graduate this year! So, exciting times.

    I wish my gym looked that empty on a Sunday morning! 


  10. Yes!! Every season is busy and I don’t have kids! There’s a lull in my world from just after Christmas until March or so, but otherwise it’s crazy. And I don’t think I would have it any other way, you know?

    That baby Asher with the cheeks!! I want to squeeze him!!


  11. I am feeling the “busy” right now (and I don’t even have kids LOL but with travel and work it’s been just so hectic).

    Congrats on Asher’s first job (he looks like he’s picking it up quickly) and I think it’s awesome that you’re building credit for both boys and they’re putting money in an investment account at their age… that is really cool.


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