
Day 7: Sea Day #2

Thursday, June 29

Thursday was our second “at sea” day!! YAY! The ports were super fun, but I think we were all ready for a slower, more relaxed day after the 3 port visits in a row. (I mean, we usually do many days of sightseeing in a row when we travel, so that part is not exactly out of the ordinary…. but being in the Caribbean + sunshine + a big boat= the desire to just…. lounge a little!)

In the morning the boys slept in a bit, so Ivan and I joined my parents in one of the Adults Only hot tubs. They have a big area on the ship called the Solarium which has an adults only pool and some hot tubs, plus a separate bar and lounge chairs.

one of the adults only hot tubs

This was nice. Eventually my sister joined too, but by that time my parents + Ivan had gotten out. I just sat and talked with her alone for quite a long time, which I really enjoyed. 🙂

I met up with my parents and I think Asher in the buffet restaurant afterwards for a later breakfast. We didn’t really do a big, organized “family meal” with all 11 of us for breakfast ever on this trip. My sister’s family, with the younger kids, tends to eat ASAP in the morning and earlier than my family with teenagers does. 🙂 We sort of just did our own things in the mornings, depending on the day, and I think this made sense and worked out well.

Our only real plans for the day were a reservation to go ice skating around 11 a.m. The ship has a rink, but it’s not super large, so they offer it by time slots. We all met up to do this, minus my parents who just watched.

I partnered up with my oldest niece for most of it!

None of the little kids had much (or any) experience ice skating, of course, so they did about how you’d expect. Haha! Ice skating is really not an easy thing to do, even for older people. There was this much older girl- maybe very late teens- during our session who just kept continually wiping out, lol! But on the whole, the little kids seemed to really like it and by the end they were improving a lot.

My own kids have not even been ice skating really that many times, and it’s been years I think since we’ve gone now. I was actually surprised that they skated pretty well! I guess just with age comes some increased coordination, because I’m pretty sure the last time we went when they were younger they kept falling down….
Me and Ethan
I am definitely not a particularly “good” ice skater, but I hold my own. 🙂 I’m much better at SKATING than stopping. ha.
The whole rink

This was fun! It was just the right length of time. I think our whole session was 45 minutes, but minus the time to get skates on, etc., we really only had maybe 20-25 minutes on the ice. It gave the little ones enough time to start to get the hang of it without overdoing it, either.

After ice skating, we changed back into swimsuits and shorts. The boys wanted to go up to do the Flow Rider (probably their favorite activity on the ship), and my mom wanted to go up and watch for a while. She hadn’t seen them do this yet.

Nice spot on a bench with pretty ocean views 🙂
Trying to get at least a little sun….

We ended up sitting here for a really, really long time! They had music playing, and as we were way at the back of the ship, the ocean views were killer. There were also big sections of shaded benches too that we rotated to. It turned out to be a good place to just sort of sit and relax, while still being close to the boys. (They had to continually circulate through the line to do this…. ride… wait….ride….wait…etc.)

Ethan riding the wave

They got a LOT of practice with this over the week. So, they started learning more “tricks” on it. The attendants would tell the kids who had more experience, like Ethan and Asher, how to try different things, like moving to a sitting position on the board (actually very difficult, apparently), doing spins, etc.

Ethan up on his knees
Asher got REALLY good at this!

The water pressure is really strong, and if you get even slightly off balance it sends you flying off the board into a “wipe out” and you wash up at the back. It’s much harder than it looks.

After enough time watching, I decided, I want to try!! I figured I would not be particularly good at it, and I wasn’t (lol), but it was fun to try.

Made it up onto my knees!! Like I said, the whole thing is harder than it looks!!
Once I got to this position, I was mostly trying to just not wipe out. But the guy was encouraging me to next try releasing the board and extending my arms.
I did it! On my second ride later I didn’t do as well though.
Yay, tried something new. 🙂

The rest of the afternoon mostly looked like that. Later before heading back to get ready for dinner, a few of us stopped at the pub for a drink, but otherwise it was mostly just a relaxing afternoon. My sister and her husband had joined us on the Flow Rider too, so that was fun.

The only negative of the afternoon was getting a call from my sister-in-law that she had stopped by the house and it was 87 degrees inside!! Apparently the air conditioner broke! I of course didn’t have cell service out in the middle of nowhere, but I was able to talk with her on What’s App. I didn’t have a way to call our a/c guy, so fortunately she was able to call him for me and he stopped over later that afternoon. My big concern was Summer, our hamster! Didn’t want to come home to a cooked hamster. 😬 She moved her into the basement where it’s always much colder and the a/c was up and running again by evening.

Formal Night #2

Thursday was also our second “formal” night of the cruise. We had decided we would do a little dressier night one night, and a little less dressy on the first formal night. So this was the night we boys were planning to wear their suits! #handsome

There was even lobster tail on the menu! Yum! It was very good. I also had a separate fish dish, because at first we thought the lobster tail wasn’t going to have any sides with it…. but it did! So then I ended up with probably too much food. (Between a starter, essentially 2 entrees, and then, DESSERT…. Oh, plus the bread basket… and wine….oof!! I was stuffed by the end.) It was all very good, though!

Me and Ivan at the table:

dressed up for dinner!

I got several really nice photos of all the boys….

And, family pics, of course:

People take the “formal” nights to different levels these days. Back 20+ years ago when I went on several cruises, women often wore floor length gowns and many men wore tuxedos! Many people keep it much more casual nowadays, despite the “formal” dress code. I’d say it’s a mix. There were definitely other people equally as dressed up as we were, or more so, but then also many men not wearing jackets, just wearing a nice button-down shirt or polo only, etc. But since this trip was to honor my parents’ 50th anniversary, we felt we should dress up! And, we also wanted an excuse for the boys to wear their nice suits that we bought for Ethan’s graduation… ha!

The little ones were tired, so they headed to bed after dinner. My parents, Ivan and I headed to the show- a very dynamic, exciting percussion-based show put on by a fantastic group of Argentinians. They were great! Funny, too.

There wasn’t a ton on the activity schedule that night that we really wanted to do, so, we just went back to our tried-and-true favorite place: the Duck and Dog Pub. The musician (shown below on the left) was really excellent and was there most nights of the cruise. This was our kind of place”, too (versus say, a nightclub atmosphere or something); it allowed for good conversation and was the only place on the ship that routinely carried IPA beer. lol. (A must for my Dad and Ivan.)

We just really, really enjoyed this musician + the atmosphere at this place.

In the first half of the week we did more variety in the evenings (the silent dance party, karaoke, poolside dance party, etc.). But toward the end of the week we just kind of settled into a nice routine of “dinner- show- drinks/music!” most nights! The boys were often off doing their own thing (basketball, mini golf, etc.) but would often stop by at some point where we were (the late night pizza place was right across from the pub). 😉

Ivan and I ended up sitting and listening to music in the pub until almost midnight on this night. Mexico was playing soccer in the Gold Cup and they actually had the game on, so Ivan didn’t want to leave until that ended. 🙂

midnight selfie

Almost to the end of the trip!! Sad!! Friday (the next day) we had one final port of call stop before getting back to Fort Lauderdale on Saturday morning.

8 thoughts on “Day 7: Sea Day #2”

  1. poor hamster… it must be so hot! this summer is really hot everywhere.
    it’s fun to see how you spend your cruise trip with the family. it might really be the best way to travel with the elderly.


  2. i feel like my mom will soon stop traveling with us the way we travel as she’s getting older, maybe I’ll do cruise with her once that day arrives.


  3. Been following the updates from this cruise! So much fun, the boys look so dapper in their suits! Have a wonderful time as you finish off this amazing journey and happy anniversary to your parents!


  4. I can see why people complain about gaining weight on cruises! It all looks amazing, and so fun. You and your family look amazing in your formalwear! And yes… I grew up watching Love Boat and I remember how formally the
    people dressed for dinner, ha ha. After reading your posts I have a strange desire to watch Love Boat again…


  5. When my parents went on a cruise in the 90s, people were SO DRESSED UP! They felt so out of place in their Midwest formal wear. You all look so great in your formal clothes. The boys look extra dapper!

    That wave rider thing looks cool! There is something similar at a pool by us. I can see why it’s been a hit with your boys!


  6. Ice-skating! One a cruise ship. Damn, they really offer a lot of entertainment.

    Look at your boys all dressed up in their suits. Handsome! I also love the family photo of the four of you!


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